Best Web Design Company UK | Dynamic Sales Solutions

To get more accurate results, designer can also use stock images in your contest, which can be purchased from a 3rd party. If a designer uses stock art during a design, they’ll tell you which of them images they're and use watermarked versions of them in their entries. Once you select the winning design, you’ll got to purchase the stock art and supply it to the winning designer in order that they can complete the planning.

Whenever a contest holder declares a designer as a winner for a contest, the copyright and ownership thereto winning design are transferred over to the competition holder. All the exchange of files and transfer of copyrights and ownership happen during the Design Handover stage.

Contest holders can always print the planning Transfer Agreement for his or her records or access it at any time through your  website Design Handover page. It really depends on how you run your contest. We provide a rough estimate to what percentage designs you’re likely to urge above. Just select the category you're curious about from the dropdown, and you’ll see a rough estimate to the amount of entries you’re likely to receive on each package.

You have the option to make your website design contest confidential by selecting “Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) & Search Engine Privacy” add on while launching the contest. This will automatically attach a typical NDA template to your contest. If you favor , you'll also upload your own NDA.

Each package is targeted at a definite set of consumers wherein the Starters and means packages are targeted towards customers who are trying to find quality within a budget.The Standard and Premium Packages are for those that are trying to find a really high level of quality and creativity from expert designers. Finally, the Platinum package limits participation of the highest 150 designers out of 70,000+ designers on the platform. Needless to say quality is par excellence.

Making a contest private ensures that no designers can view the brief without signing a non-disclosure agreement (NDA). Also, the brief doesn't appears on search page results because the web crawlers can't crawl the page. So your contest is protected from search engines as well.

Posting a contest would allow you to crowdsource multiple design options from multiple designers. Pick your prize amount, and relax while dozens of design options are created by talented designers, especially for you, in only hours, rather than weeks. And all of this comes with 100% Money Back Guarantee! No Questions Asked!

Dynamic Sales Solutions Web Design and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) offers a 100% money-back guarantee within 60 days of payment on all Web Design Contests, except those with a guaranteed prize and those that have entered selected a design as a winning design. It doesn't matter if you've got signed the planning Transfer Agreement or not. Once you've got selected a winner you waive your rights for a refund and thus can not invite any refunds.

You can also call us anytime to assist you rewrite your brief, reopen your project to make sure you get an honest result and assist you pick a winning design. Remember, if we refund your contest, you aren’t legally entitled to use any of the designs submitted to your contest.


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